NinjaMonitor is a monitoring application designed to alert you when your NinjaTrader automated strategies are having problems.
A word from the developer
The idea behind NinjaMonitor first came up when we began running
multiple strategies simultaneously to multiple brokerages and wanted a
simple to follow "visual check" to ensure all strategies were
functioning as expected.
As our development of NinjaMonitor progressed, we continued to implement
additional helpful items including the ability to monitor our strategies
day and night, 24/7 from anywhere in the world.
No longer were we required to be at the trading desk just to ensure our
system was running optimally and now had the freedom to monitor our
strategies via email, text and Android widget alerts!
Personally, NinjaMonitor has paid for itself countless times over and
has saved me over 10,000 hours of screen time by providing me with
mobile alerts.
NinjaMonitor is now available to the public and I encourage you to take
advantage of our Free demo version on our download page.